What is the Poverty Rate in Twin Falls, Idaho?

Find out what is the poverty rate in Twin Falls, Idaho with this comprehensive guide. Learn about unemployment rate, labor groups, primary care physicians and more.

What is the Poverty Rate in Twin Falls, Idaho?

The unemployment rate in Twin Falls is 4.00%, which means that 13,417 people are without a job. The average age of the population in Twin Falls is 34 years old. The most common labor groups, by number of people living in Twin Falls County, ID, are management occupations (4,217 people), office and administrative support occupations (4,019 people), and sales-related occupations (3,795 people). In the table below, you can see the total households and families in Twin Falls, Idaho, for each type, as well as the average size. The data reveals that the number of patients seen by primary care doctors has decreased by 2.22% from the previous year (1,443 patients) in Twin Falls County, ID.

This is calculated by dividing the total income of all people in Twin Falls by the total number of people in Twin Falls. The chart below shows households in Twin Falls County, ID, distributed among a number of income groups compared to the national averages for each group. We can also analyze the modes of transportation in Twin Falls to see what methods of transportation people use to get to work. This chart displays the percentage of homeowners in Twin Falls County, ID, compared to major and neighboring geographies. We can also look at the number of properties built in a given year to see the distribution of the age of the property in Twin Falls, Idaho. The table below shows the percentage of foreign-born residents in Twin Falls County, ID, compared to their neighboring and parent geographies.

It also breaks down the population and percentage for each race and ethnicity in Twin Falls, Idaho. With these demographics available, it's an ideal starting point for your research on Twin Falls and the rest of Idaho. But be aware that Post Falls has 44,194 people and Rexburg has 40,462 people right behind you. The following list contains demographic and income statistics for places in the areas surrounding Twin Falls. It differs from the average or median household income because it includes all people in Twin Falls and not just those who earn income (i.e., the table below shows the 7 races represented in Twin Falls County, ID), as a proportion of the total population.

Allyson Ribb
Allyson Ribb

Friendly social media ninja. General zombie evangelist. Certified travel enthusiast. Hardcore music advocate. General student.